Discussion Board Rules

  • Be respectful: Listen actively, avoid interrupting, and be kind to others. 
  • Be concise: Make your point clearly and quickly, and avoid posting repetitive information. 
  • Be professional: Maintain a professional tone, and use standard English with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 
  • Avoid personal information: Don’t post personal information like your address, phone number, or login credentials. 
  • Avoid inflammatory language: Don’t use blame, speculation, or inflammatory language. 
  • Avoid name-calling: Don’t resort to name-calling, slurs, or innuendos. 
  • Avoid trolling: Ignore trolls who post rude or inflammatory comments. 
  • Read the thread: Read all the posts in a thread before responding. 
  • Contribute: Contribute to discussions, and share your knowledge without excluding others. 
  • Be objective: Try to remain objective and not personalize issues.